Northway Graduate Services - Jostens Class Rings and Caps & Gowns - - Your Jostens - Matt Oberkrieser & Sabrina Oberkrieser

Congratulations Class of 2025!

Welcome to Northway Graduate Services – your local Jostens provider. We are proud to be the Official Partner for over 75 local schools in northeastern New York and Vermont, We strive to provide schools and students with the very best in class jewelry and graduation products and services.

This site is designed to answer many questions you might have about placing a class ring or graduation order, making payments, or anything else you need to know about rings and graduation. Please select the link that best fits your needs for more information.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you! Please contact our office should you have any questions this site can't answer.


Be on the lookout for information passed out at school and coming home regarding your Senior Celebration Day! We'll be at school this day collecting orders and passing out several 2025 apparel and swag items. This will be your ONLY opportunity to get these items before delivery in the spring, so pay attention to the deadlines!

If you'd prefer to order online rather than in school, fill out the Graduation Order Form and submit with payment at least 24 hours before your Senior Celebration Day. You will need the Green flyer that came with your packet for package contents and pricing. Your custom mascot package info. is on a gold sheet. Contact us directly if you don't have them or if you would rather order over the phone with a card.

Check out the Grad 2025 catalog PDF.

Want to pay with cash or check? Place your order at school on celebration day. You can also mail us your order form with check or money order payable to Jostens. Contact us if you're not sure when we'll be at school and here's our mailing address:

PO Box 389
Gansevoort, NY 12831

Feel free to contact us with any questions: or (518) 581-1468.

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